Thomas Stewart Robertson
Artist Statement
Since I was a child, I have felt the call to art; to curiosity, to learning, and to discovery. My journey of development continues to evolve as I experiment with the many nuances of different mediums in my quest to bring to life the wonderings of my imagination. My hope is, that through my work the viewer is inspired to find the beauty and significance in the seen and unseen.
– Thomas Stewart Robertson
Thomas Stewart Robertson was born in Toronto in June of 1956 to a loving and humble family struggling to make ends meet in the big city. When he was four, a stranger gave him his first drawing pencil – a gift for politely waiting while the elder person descended a flight of stairs. Thomas soon discovered his enthusiasm for drawing was limitless – so much so, that when his older brother received a set of oil paints the following year, he claimed it as his own. His family eventually moved to Brantford, Ontario.
Despite ongoing challenges with his vision, Thomas’ early artistic development was still encouraged by his mother. By the time he was ten, he knew he was destined to become a painter. His answer came in the fourth grade while skipping school, where he found himself standing outside the headquarters of Gould Outdoor Advertising. He knew this was the place he wanted to work but it would be another 8 years before he could present himself to those responsible for hiring.
In high school, Thomas formed an important association with Gary Woodward, an art teacher who recognized the depth of his love and commitment to creating art. With Woodward’s encouragement, Thomas put his boyhood plan into action, placing his portfolio before Louis Crowe, the noted illustrator who headed Gould’s art studio at the time. Crowe immediately agreed to employ and mentor Thomas upon graduation.
In 1973, Thomas’ career as a commercial artist began. For the next twenty-seven years, he would learn from, and be mentored by, accomplished artists such as Louis Crowe, Nasium Dar, George Stevenson, Sandy White, John Fletcher, and more in the fine strokes of art and life. While at Gould, Thomas continued to develop personal works in oil, pencil, acrylics, and mixed media. Originally, these projects were influenced by the styles he was most drawn to as a young man – highly detailed images of the Old Masters, the Group of Seven, and the surrealists like Salvador Dali.
In 2000, Thomas left the commercial field to pursue his dream of becoming an independent artist. From his Brantford studio and gallery, he continues to evolve his skills by exploring many different mediums to express what is in his imagination.
Thomas welcomes visitors to his studio at 399 West Street, Brantford, ON N3R 3V9 by appointment.
Ph: 519-754-8926 Email: Web: